In accordance with the Strategic Plan (Renstra) of the School of Industrial and System Engineering which is compiled based on the 2019-2038 Strategic Plan of Telkom Education Foundation, the 2014 2038 Master Plan of Telkom University, the 2019-2023 Strategic Plan of Telkom University, as well as suggestions and input from stakeholders, among others: Dean, Vice Dean, Head of Study Program and Professionalism; furthermore, Information System Development, Enterprise Data Management, and Technopreneurship have been established as three priority areas of research and community services. Therefore, a clear strategy is needed if the Research Group of Cybernetics really wants to achieve the expected results.
Based on these considerations, the road map for conducting intensive research in three areas is reflected in the 2019-2023 strategic plan, and the first step in the map is defined as follows:
Stage A. Development (2019-2020) which is divided into:
- Research : The development of research quality of lecturers based on the expertise in
national and international scales. - Community Services : Increasing the number of community services that are beneficial for the government, industry, and NGO based on the encountered problems.
Stage B. Synthetizing (2021-2022) which is divided into:
- Reasearch: Increasing the number of International Grant
- Community Services: Innovations produced by research groups in creating a startup in accordance with the needs of the community and the economy in the form of services and products.
Stage C. Utilization (2023) which is divided into :
- Research: Development of Research Quality, Research Centers, Start Up and the development of spin-off companies
- Community Services: Increasing the International Collaboration.
The identification of actual competencies of the Research Group of Cybernetics in the three areas is then described in the form of “research tree” which will be suported by the researchers who are in accordance with the disciplines and the condusive research environment. Based on this, public lectures and seminars will be held, international joint research projects will be increased, the world renowed scholars will be invited to the faculty for knowledge sharing. Finally, it is our sincere hope that these strategic measures will be effective in enabling the Research Group of Cybernetics, Faculty, and University to achieve significant results, and progressively grow into a research and entrepreneurial university in 2023.